суббота, 31 марта 2012 г.

вог 2012 и любимый крем визажистов

обесцвеченные брови
Emilio PucciGucci

Накладные брови из пайеток у Chanel — самостоятельный аксессуар


Золотой шиммер на скулах и веках, коричневые тени, бальзам для губ, розовые румяна, объемная тушь для ресниц. Чтобы открыть взгляд, Пэт использовала бежевый кайял на нижнем веке.

Christian Dior
Christian Dior

Dries Van Noten


Были использованы тени Make Up For Ever двух оттенков — 66 и 78 и Chanel Ombre Essentielle Soft Touch Eye Shadow цвета Tigerlily. Полученный мандариновый оттенок, нанесенный до самых бровей, удачно подчеркнул бледность кожи. Тушь для ресниц вновь отсутствует.

Jason Wu и Prabal Gurung сделали акцент на глазах

Вытянутую форму, сделавшую моделей похожими на кошек, визажист вывела тенями MAC оттенка Club и пигментом MAC цвета Kelly Green, добавив черную и темно-синюю подводки.
На показе Prabal Gurung веки «вспыхнули» еще ярче. Визажист Шарлотта Тилбери взяла еще более пронзительный цвет — ярко-ярко-голубой. Бирюзовые и кобальтовые тени в сочетании с карандашом MAC Technakohl Liner оттенка Smoothblue сделали взгляд моделей почти гипнотическим. Больше всего такой макияж напоминает об оперении райских птиц. Эффект поражает. Голубые глаза модели Кэндис Сванеполь сразу стали холоднее, серо-голубыми.


Визажист Пэт Макграт сказала за кулисами Prada, что Миучча попросила ее сделать очень «сильные» глаза. И Пэт наносила на веки моделей своеобразный «триколор»: оранжевый на брови, контрастный ему фиолетовый на нижние веки, черный — от верхних ресниц до бровей, белый кайял — на слизистую. 

Anna Sui 

С помощью круглой кисти она закрасила всю поверхность подвижного века матовыми кремовыми тенями ярко-синего цвета. Затем взяла плоскую кисть с упругим ворсом и аккуратно прорисовала кончики стрелок, доходящие почти до бровей. Наконец, наклеила в середину нижнего века пайетки того же оттенка, что и тени. Для создания подобного образа пригодится пигмент для век MAC Blue Storm или тени цветов Blue Candy и Electric Eel, которые лучше наносить влажной кистью. 

Крем для лица Lait-Crème Concentrè от Embryolisse
Крем для лица Lait-Crème Concentrè от Embryolisse

Дольче и Габбана

Для создания образов чистых и непорочных созданий была использована декоративная косметика Dolce & Gabbana. «Стефано и Доменико хотели лица, светящиеся изнутри», — сообщила Пэт Маграт за кулисами показа. Впрочем, только подсветкой хайлайтером макияж не ограничился. Чтобы лица не выглядели плоскими, Пэт добавила ярких персиково-розовых румян. Бежевый кайал Crayon Intense цвета Nude и светлые тени сделали взгляд более открытым. Для губ была использована помада Classic Cream Lipstick натурального оттенка Mandorla, смешанная с более холодным розовым под названием Petal. 

вторник, 27 марта 2012 г.

Кружева из 3-х прядной косы.

Воскресенье, 15 Августа 2010 г. 04:50 (ссылка)
Процитировано 2 раз + в цитатник
Прочитало: 1 за час / 4 за неделю / 18 за месяц

Плетение многопрядного кружева из 3х прядной косы шаг 1

Плетение многопрядного кружева из 3х прядной косы шаг 2

Многопрядное кружево из 3х прядной косы 1

Многопрядное кружево из 3х прядной косы 2

Дух свободы.

Суббота, 14 Августа 2010 г. 00:45 (ссылка+ в цитатник

http://pricheska.nm.ru/4/4_5.htmТак и называется - "Дух свободы". (285x393, 121Kb)
 (407x397, 150Kb)

Вечерняя укладка. Королевская.

Суббота, 14 Августа 2010 г. 23:31 (ссылка+ в цитатник
Прочитало: 0 за час / 1 за неделю / 2 за месяц

Разные типы плетения волос.

Воскресенье, 15 Августа 2010 г. 13:44 (ссылка+ в цитатник
Прочитало: 0 за час / 5 за неделю / 7 за месяц
http://devishnik.at.ua/publ/7-1-0-228 Инструкции на иностранном, но по схемам все понятно.  (533x699, 78Kb)

в салоне красоты «Соблазн» relax.by понаблюдал за созданием несложной элегантной свадебной прически, которую легко можно сделать в домашних условиях. Вам даже не понадобится помощь квалифицированного специалиста. Достаточно обладать волосами средней длинны. Эта воздушная и нежная прическа лучше смотрится на светлых волосах.

1. Вымойте и высушите волосы. Разберите на косой пробор. Вытягивать волосы не нужно.

2. Предварительно немного начешите макушку, чтобы создать небольшой объем. Зафиксируйте лаком L’OREAL INFINIUM.

3. Область челки оставьте нетронутой. От одного уха до другого ободком закрепите волосы невидимками. Лучше закалывать невидимки крест-накрест — так будет надежнее держаться.

4. Волосы ниже невидимок разбейте на прядки, смажьте каждую воском STYLIUM Creative. Каждую прядку скрутите жгутиком и кончик закрепите невидимкой. Жгутики должны быть пушистыми — для этого как можно больше растяните каждую прядку.

5. С одной стороны жгутики делайте в два ряда — сверху и снизу. Так прическа будет выглядеть оригинально и объемно. Получившиеся «пушистые» жгутики зафиксируйте лаком.

6. Разогрейте утюжок или плойку. Оформите челку: уложите ее с помощью плойки (утюжка), немного закручивая наверх. Крайние пряди челки можно закрепить к жгутикам.

7. Немного начешите челку. Закрепите всю прическу лаком. Готово! Можно любоваться результатом

Для свадьбы прическу можно оформить жемчугом или цветами. А в сочетании с клубным нарядом прическа вполне сойдет за вечернюю. Не бойтесь импровизировать! Единственный обязательный аксессуар к этой прическе — женственность.

How to draw fashion eyes

(30 - user rating)
Drawing eyes for fashion illustration differs in various ways from drawing realistic ones. You need to make the eye shape enlonged and with less details. Adding eyes and face details to your sketch will not distract the viewer from your design, but keep his attention and interest. Follow this step by step tutorial and make the presence of your designs stronger.
Step 1 The guidelines
Divide the head in three and mark the middle of the second section.
*If you are not really satisfied with the face shape of your model check out theHow to draw fashion face tutorial where you will see additional way to place the eyes correctly.
How to draw fashion eyes step 1
Step 2 Finding the right place
Eyes should never be touching the outline of the face and should be of equal size each. Leave some space from the sides to draw the temples and divide the rest in three equal parts.
Tip: According to the Golden rule between the eyes enough space for a third one should be left. This guarantees you a pretty look. In my illustrations I prefer to leave just a little bit less. It’s just my personal preference.
How to draw fashion eyes step 2
Step 3
Mark how wide the eyes are going to be. Remember that in fashion you are looking for a glamorous, sophisticated look. Keep the lines comparatively close to each other.
How to draw fashion eyes step 3
Step 4
Close the eye shapes with tilted lines the way that it is shown.
In this example the right eye will be opened and the left one-closed.
How to draw fashion eyes step 4
Step 5
Soften the edges and find the middle of the eye.
For the opened eye draw a curved line coming down, that starts from the Centerline. These curves will give your model a sexy cat look.
How to draw fashion eyes step 5
Step 6 Drawing the pupil
If she is looking straight forward your model’s pupil will be situated in themiddle 1/3 of the eye.
Draw two overlapping circles and hide about half of them under the upper eyelid. Fill the inner one with black, leaving a tiny white dot to make the eye come alive.
Tip: If your are looking for more drama and mystery in the face expression of your girl try to hide small part of the circles under the lower lid too.
How to draw fashion eyes step 6
Step 7: The eyelashes
Bold the outline of the eye trying not to change the original form. This will serve for eyeliner and eyelashes. Notice that the bolding of the lower side ends at the eye Centerline and that the upper lashes are a bit longer.
Mark the eyelashes of the closed eye.
In the inner corner of the eyes draw small ellipses ellipses for the tear ducts.
How to draw fashion eyes step 7
Step 8
Add very delicate eyelid detail, draw the eyebrows and finish the rest of the features. Note the lines that mark the temple- you can skip them, but they are a nice finish touch if you’d like.
How to draw fashion eyes step 8
Eyeliners and eyelashes
There are many different ways to contour the eye. Here are 10 variations of fashion eyes. Pick one you like the most or get inspired and find your own manner of drawing it.
10 ways to draw eyes
After adding some shading on the face and nice hairstyle your illustration is good to go!
Drawing eyes

Drawing the model’s face is one of the most dificult chalanges in fashion illustration that a fashion designer or illustrator have to deal with. You won’t have to leave the face blank anymore. Go follow those simple steps and make her beautiful!
Step 1 The blueprint
Draw a circle and mark it’s center. Don’t push too hard with the pencil.
how to draw fashion face step 1
Step 2
Draw another one on top of it. The second circle should overlap the first one and touch it’s center. Put a Centerline for both the circles.
how to draw fashion face step 2

Step 3 Nose and chin
Slightly below the center of the first circle mark a dash. This indicates your model’s nose.
Make the chin in the bottom most part of the first circle.
how to draw fashion face step 3
Step 4 A femenine jaw 
Draw smooth and graceful line connecting the chin with last point before the circle starts to narrow. Try not to splay the lines too much, keep them close to the blueprint.
how to draw fashion face step 4
Step 5
Finish the outline of the head by joining the circles.
It the middle of the space between the nose and the chin draw a horizontal line.
Draw two lines with about the same length as the mouth. Start from where the two circles cross each other and countinue towards the Centerline. The space betweet the eyes would be approximatly equal to the size of each eye.
how to draw fashion face step 5
Step 6
In the half-way between the nose and the mouth draw a short line indicating the upper lip. Put onother line in the half of the mouth-to-chin distance.
A bit under the eyes you already marked draw paralel lines .
how to draw fashion face step 6
Tip: You’ll add glamour to your illustration if you keep the eyes not too large and opened. Fashion faces love cateyes.

Step 7
Close the eyes as shown. Stay away from the head outline.
Draw a wide “U” where you marked the upper lip and repeat it upsized in the middle of the mouth Centerline.
how to draw fashion face step 7
Step 8 Beautiful lips
Smooth the eye’s sharp angles as shown.
Finish the mouth. Use the marks you already have drawn and start from them. It looks better if you don’t pull the lines of the lower lip right to the mouth Centerline.
how to draw fashion face step 8
Step 9 Delicate nose
Draw the nosetrips where you initially marked the nose. Hint the nose tip and the bridge.
how to draw fashion face step 9
Step 10
Just under the lower lip put a short line that will indicate the chin.
Draw che cheekbones pointing towards the nose. Keep soft and close to the eyes.
The eyebrows will go up until they reach the blueprint circle and than curve however you want their shape to be.
how to draw fashion face step 10
Step 11
Divide the eye in three parts. Draw two half circles in second 1/3 of the eye.
Finish the eyebrows. Leaving them too fine they will make them look unnatural.
how to draw fashion face step 11
Step 12
Put the ears starting from the eye line to the nosetip. The ear are frequently covered by hair, but you might need them.
The necks of ashion illustration models are longer and thiner than normal. Start the neck from the line where the lower lip ends and make it at least half head long.
Finish her eyes. Put the makeup paying attention to the original shape of the eyes you’ve drawn.
how to draw fashion face step 12
Step 13 
Divide the forehead in 3 and fill the frst part with hair.
Be creative and give your beauty a lovely hairstyle of you liking !
how to draw fashion face step 13

The same face base looks so different with different hairstyles. Try your own and have fun!
Different fashion faces

It doesn’t look right! Common mistakes:
How to draw a fashion face error 1How to draw a fashion face error 1 fixed
Error 1: The jaw starts too high and the face looks triangular. Start the jaw a little bit lower and make the lines soft, close to the gidelines.
How to draw a fashion face error 2How to draw a fashion face error 2 fixed
Error 2: The eyes are too separated. Always leave some space from the eyes outer corner to the head outline and distance equal to about one eye between the two.

To be honest drawing profile faces wasn't exactly my favorite thing. I know that fashion sketches look much more dynamic and interesting when you put the head in different positions, but the profile is difficult. Sometimes it was coming out good, sometimes not. Until I discovered a scheme that works every time! And I am about to share it with you....
how to draw profile face for fashion sketches in 14 steps
This is the longest tutorial I've done so far. 14 steps and this is the minimum I could store the essence of this new method.
This is only a quick preview of the tutorial. The actual "How to draw profile faces" will be published very soon with all the explanations and tips that I make in every post.
Draw profile faces step by step tutorial
Draw profile faces step by step tutorial
Draw profile faces step by step tutorial
Draw profile faces step by step tutorial
I am extremely happy that I was able to split it in very easy steps so that everyone could draw a beautiful profile female face for their fashion sketches. I love my work, I love you all !

There are numerous differences between the normal female figure and the figure you use for fashion illustrations. How to draw the fashion body? It is not enough to observe the real life figure, but also you have to know how to change what you see. In this tutorial you will explore the differences body part by body part and see them as no book shows it to you.
Step 1: Different face types
So many shapes of face: diamond, oblong, round, squeare, heart and oval .
Although in real life we see all different types of heads and faces, in fashion illustration it is recommended to use the oval one, as it is concidered to be“the perfect face shape”.
Normal heads and fashion heads

Step 2: Normal or fashion neck
Fashion models have long, thin necks and emphasized collarbones. If you remember this and apply it to your illustrations they will look more graceful and elegant. Note how anatomic details are skipped and the collarbone is exaggerated to make her look bonier.
Real life and fashion neck

Step 3: The fashion figure
Even if you are drawing a woman with ideal body, her proportions still won’t work for fashion illustration. In fashion drawing the body is very idealized.
o The shoulders are straightened up and high, never bent down.
o The breasts are pushed up, round and not too big. Be carefudll with this, because many illustrators tend to give their models a bigger bra with the idea to make them look sexier, but this is not the best solution to represent drawn garments.
o The waist is very thin- with about the same width that the head in it’s widest part is.
o The hips are the same width as the breastline. Think 90-60-90.
Details that are typical for a fit body are welcome, but don’t go too far with this.
Normal figure and fashion figure
Step 4: The arms
The main differance between a normal arm and a fashion arms is that the latter is thiner and more defined. See how the shape of the arm is more “angular” and how thiner the wrist is. To draw thiner arms don’t mean to make them longer, so make sure to keep the real life proportions and the place of the elbow (the same line the waist lies).
Real life and fashion arms

Step 5: How to draw hands
This is among the most asked question in fashion illustration, but it will be discussed in a separate tutorial.
Comparing the real life hand with the fashion one, it is easy to note that thefashion illustration hand has lost most of the details. You draw no wrinkles, and mark ever so slightly the bones. Your model’s hands have to be delicate and in a feminine fashion, not hidden behind her back.
How to draw fashion hands

Step 6: Long, long legs
Another very specific thing about fashion illustration are the beautiful long legsof the models. In the image below you can see how the shape of the thigh is more defined and even a muscle detail is shown.
The knee is just hinted, never give it too much details. Just keep it thiner and slightly tilted.
The biggest change is in the lenght of the calf. It’s lenght is turning point for the good look of your illustration. A leg looks slimmer and longer if its calf, not thigh, is enlenghtened.
Real life legs and long fashion legs

Step 7: How to draw feet
The feet in fashion drawing are longer and thiner than the normal ones. The ankle is more defined and the instep is more shaped. When you draw the toes it’s absolutely enough to draw only the thumb with its nail and leave the rest ot the toes to viewer’s imagination.
How to draw feet for fashion